Seven Quick Takes: Edition 1

Here I am, jumping in again to update my blog!  I thought I'd start with my first "Seven Quick Takes" linking up with Jennifer Fulwiler over at Conversion Diary.

1. Happy Feast of St. Therese!  Technically, the feast was celebrated on October 1, but since our day didn't pan out like I expected, I am celebrated today.  October 3 was the feast day according to the old Church calendar (pre-vatican 2).

2. With all this rain (and talk of snow tonight!) little Darlin' and I have spent way too much time with the TV and Netflix on.  I think I need to make a list of activities to do in rainy/snowy weather, or else this pending winter will have me shut in and depressed.  I also need to figure out how to become less dependent on the magic box that plays her favorite thing (Winnie the Pooh).

3.  Speaking of Winnie the Pooh, I've been working hard on transitioning Little Darlin' to her own room, and to make that room cozy and cute so she actually likes the idea of her own space.  Since we are in an apartment, I can't paint or do too much to the walls.  I'll post pictures when it is ready!

4. Last year, DH and I started watching and learning along with a Harvard course, CS50, to learn the basics of computing science and programming.  Life happened and we got a little sidetracked, but we have begun again, and it feels so good to learn again!  Motherhood is wonderful, but I have struggled with how to maintain my pre-baby interests, and this is a good course that DH and I can do together!

5.  Today I am meeting with my potential doula!  A good girlfriend of my mine has recommended her, and I'm excited to meet and discuss my upcoming birth.  I'm really hoping she and I connect, since I have less than 10 weeks to go!  Having a doula with #1 was so important for both DH and I.

6.  PSL.  You probably completely love the Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte, or you hate it, deeming it an over-commericalized, expensive drink that doesn't have any trace of pumpkin in it.  The taste is so good, but I can't really stomach the amount of sugar and other chemicals laden in the $4 cup of jo'.  Thankfully Real Simple has come to the rescue!   I found this great recipe that makes the syrup that you store in your fridge.  When you are craving something warm and sweet, mix together 1 cup of whole milk, 1 tbsp of the syrup in a blender and combine it with a shot or two of strong coffee or espresso.  I have some of the syrup in my fridge now, and it is so yummy!

7.  I couldn't begin my first 7QT without adding a picture, so here is one from our lovely apple picking/pumpkin patch adventure from last weekend!  Enjoy!


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