The baby years

A quick search around Pinterest and Facebook will bring up countless of images, blogs, and posts about how you must cherish every.single.moment of being a mother. "You'll miss this!" or "Wait until they are older!" is often the words of advice from very well-meaning parents who are finished with the baby years. 

And know what? I usually pass over these posts and images. Yes. I get it. These years will go to fast. (they already are.) I know I will miss this. I often am sad that they years are flying by, out of my grasp. 

Why do I pass over them? Right now can be hard. The lack of sleep is hard. The tantrums are hard. The trying to instill lasting virtues and faith in a toddler is hard. The fact that we will someday miss this stage shouldn't remove that fact that we moms of littles are tired and toiling now. It's like when people tell someone who is suffering from (abc) that their suffering isn't as bad as those suffering from (xyz.) We all have our crosses and things in life that are particularly hard or sad for us. What is the good in comparing and determining who has it worse?  We should all just hold each other up!


There is one image I like. And when I read it, I cry like a baby.  Every. Time.

ps. I know I haven't updated in forever. que sera sera.
pps.  I LOVE the baby years.  And I cherish this time. Toddlers are SO much fun, and baby smiles, laughs, and squishy hugs are heavenly. :) 


  1. I had knee surgery last summer, so I had a lot of time to sit and think, which is a rare thing at my house. I was struck, as I watched my 4 year old run circles through the house, that I have seen and done so many things for the last time. I about burst into tears. I just keep telling myself that I am so blessed to have ever seen and done these things at all.
    And, with six kids, surely I'll have some grand kids. :)


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