Oh the weather outside...

So, today is absolutely gorgeous out.  I know that these days are numbered and the frigid Minnesota winter is almost upon us.  You probably think my post is going to be about all the adventures we had outside today.

Nope.  I got the bug to start sewing again, and ironically, I sewed a christmas tree skirt while little DD1 watched her new favorite movie, "Christmas Time in the Hundred Acre Wood" (or whatever the official title is on Netflix.)

I may or may not have had my Josh Groban Holiday station on Pandora playing.  Maybe.

But, it felt great to sew and now we are about to go outside for a quick walk before dinner.  Here are the results of today's labors!

Please excuse the toys in the background.  I'll come back and crop this later!

A satin and minky blanket.  It is so soft!  And we don't have green carpet.  The lighting is super weird!


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