Making a list and checking it twice

While I know we haven't even celebrated Christmas, I am thinking today about New Year's Resolutions.  Yes, yes, most people give up on their resolutions after only a few futile weeks, and I don't think I am some special case that will succeed.  However, you do miss 100% of the shots you don't take!

1. Prayer. I am to develop a a more consistent morning/night prayer routine.
2. Happy Thoughts: Reading a positive quote/motivating story each day.  This may sound silly, but reading quotes or watching short happy clips can really improve my mood and help me think in a more positive manner.
3. Gratitude Journal.  I've tried this in the past and I want to start it up again.  I really believe life can be as happy or sad as you make it, and so much depends on one's perspective and
4. Reading.  Even if I read 10 min per day, it will be more than what I'm reading now.  I LOVED reading as a child, and somehow the Internet and other distractions have pulled me away from this beloved pasttime.
5. CS 50:  Harvard offers a few of their most popular classes online (read: Free!) and I have decided to throw myself into learning a whole new skills set.
6. Being Present: My goal is to keep my phone in the charger when Baby is awake.  It's so easy to be sucked into the screentime, and I discovered last year it does not increase my happiness nor help me cross goals of my daily checklists.  Especially as she is entering her toddler years, I don't want to miss anything.  I sobbed like a baby when saw Walmart's TV ad with the song "Never grow up" and it's making me realize what I stand to lose when I keep my phone always within arm's reach.

And in case you missed this,  here it the link. :)


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