How to survive as a SAHM
As of mid-July, I reached my one year anniversary as a SAHM. After moving from Washington DC to MN due to my husband's job, I resigned from my position as a legislative aide. I am by no means an expert in this area, as I only have 1 toddler and one on the way. However, I do feel like i have fallen off the bandwagon a bit at following my own advice, so I thought writing it out and expressing it on my blog would provide motivation to start again. Here are my 6 tips for first surviving, and then thriving, as a SAHM. (NB: This is long, and likely beneficial for just me, who needed to think through and type out my ideas concretely!) 1. Have a routine 2. Take care of yourself 3. Let go of control 4. Plan ahead 5. Use social media wisely, but don't forget the those IRL. 6. Continue nurturing your interests #1 Routine My first bit of advice is to have a routine (not a schedule). A routine where you do the same thing in the same order every day. This...